In the quest for optimal health and wellness, various methods and techniques have been explored and employed throughout the centries. One technique is called Muscle Testing, also known as Applied Kinesiology. Muscle Testing can provide insights into the body’s physical and energetic state, aiding in addressing various health issues. But what exactly is muscle testing and how does it work?
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle Testing is a non-invasive practice of gathering biofeedback to evaluate the body’s response to different stimuli: foods/supplements, substances, emotions, or thoughts. By appying gentle pressure to a specific muscle, a practioner can gauge the strength or weakness of that muscle in response to a stimulus. This feedback is believed to reflect the body’s overall inclination or aversion to the applied stimuli. In simple terms, Muscle Testing operates on the principle that the body is an interconnected system, where the physical and energetic aspects are linked.
What is the Sway Test?
One specific technique within the muscle testing realm is called the Sway Test. The Sway Test is a straightforward and effective way to gauge the body’s reaction to different stimuli. The Sway Test uses the body’s natural balance and movement to determine its’ response to various stimuli. Unlike traditional muscle testing, which involves a practitioner applying pressure to a muscle, the Sway Test relies on observing the body’s involuntary movements or sways when exposed to different inputs.
How Does the Sway Test Work?
The Sway Test operates on the principle that the body inherently knows what is beneficial or harmful to it. When you introduce a substance or think about a specific situation, your body’s energy field interacts with that input, resulting in a shift in balance. This shift can be observed as a forward or backward sway. We can use this technique to help us uncover imbalances within the body. It is said that 95% of our brain is used for subconscious thought. I believe that muscle testing helps us tap into the subconscious brain giving us access to a huge amount of helpful information and energy.
How do I do the Sway Test?
- Prepare: Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart in a quiety and distraction-free environment. Sometimes closing your eyes can help you focus.
- Establish a Baseline: Think of something positive or beneficial (love, the word YES, happy memory, etc) and notice if your body sways forward. Then think of something negative or harmful (hate, the word NO, etc) and notice if your body sways backward.
- Testing: Hold the substance that you want to test (food, supplement, or other item) or think about the item or situation. Notice your body’s natural response. A forward sway typically indicates a “Yes” and a backward sway typically indicated a “No”.
What Questions Can I Muscle Test?
Phrased as yes or no questions, here are some topics that can be explored if you are just starting to work with muscle testing.
- What supplements do my body need? Dose and frequency.
- How much water do I need?
- Personal caloric needs
- Personal sleep needs
- Personal nutritional choices
- Personal physical activity needs
- Insight into weight gain/loss
- Emotional insights
- Allergy testing
- Decision making
Important Considerations
While muscle testig has it’s proponents, it’s important for you to approach muscle testing as a complementary tool in your tool box. It’s essential to consult with qualified practitioners, medical professionals, therapists, and consider all available information to make informed decisions about your well-being.
In a world that has many opinions about all things nutrition, muscle testing has been an invaluable tool in helping clients figure out what THEIR body actually wants and needs. And it’s a tool that you can take anywhere with you!