
Embracing Telehealth in Nutrition

The landscape of healthcare is rapidly evolving. Among the many advancements, telehealth in nutrition has emerged as a transformative force, particularly in the realm of nutrition and dietetics. As a registered and certified dietitian, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact telehealth can have on improving access to care, enhancing patient engagement, and fostering healthier lifestyles.

The Cons of Pursuing Weight Loss: Insights from an…

In today’s society, the pressure to conform to certain body standards is overwhelming. Everywhere we turn, we’re bombarded with messages promoting the idea that we have to be thinner and smaller to be worthy. However, as an anti-diet and Health At Every Size dietitian, I’m here to shed light on the overlooked downsides of pursuing

What is Healthy and Normal Eating?

What is healthy? What is “normal” eating? Do those questions cause you feelings of confusion and discouragement? What is healthy? The World Health Organization defines healthy as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”(1) Being healthy does not just mean physical health but includes mental and emotional health as well.

Quit the Diet Talk

My career is entirely based on food. With work and eating in my own daily life, I end up thinking about food several hours of the day. And with all my experience and training, I’ve gotten pretty good at picking up on dieting behavior and all this diet talk. What is diet talk? Every where I go,

My Eating Disorder Story: Breaking Free and Embracing Body…

Trigger Warning: This article mentions topics of weight, eating disorders, and disordered eating. I have been thinking about writing this blog post for a long time now…. It’s scary for me to post this, but it’s time. It’s time to own my own story. This generation needs more voices speaking out about eating disorders and

Dear Dieter

Dear Dieter, You told me that you were thinking about going on another diet, and my heart broke for you. You didn’t ask for my professional opinion and so instead of giving you all the reasons that you shouldn’t do it, I listened and let you tell me all the reasons why this one would

Why I Didn’t Know My Weight During Pregnancy and…

I had never really thought about pregnancy until I got married. And then I thought about it all the time. And I was scared. Like really scared. I pushed off getting pregnant for as long as I could due to that fear. WHAT WAS I SO AFRAID OF? I was scared of all the body

Breaking the Restricting/Binging Cycle: Achieve Food Freedom

There are many reasons that we may binge (stress, trauma, mental illness, boredom, etc.), but I’m focusing on the restriction-caused binge. A restriction-caused binge is caused by— you guessed it—restricting. You may be restricting a specific food, food group, or your overall calorie intake. For example, you may be setting yourself up to binge by

Self-Care: Why is it so important?

Self-care is one, maybe even two, of the legs of a three-legged stool holding my philosophy of how to achieve food freedom. Self-care is so important, and in this crazy world, it is easily pushed aside. When you start to engage in a higher level of self-care, your self-respect, self confidence, and self-love all increase, subconsciously at


I HATE diets. And I’m talking about diets for weight loss here.Any “lifestyle change” that includes restricting, body shaming, and guilt is a diet. Just hearing the word makes me cringe. When I hear associates/friends/family talk about “going on a diet plan”, I want to shake them while yelling all the reasons why they shouldn’t… I